Subway Productions

independent comic book creators based in Metro Manila, Philippines

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cosplay Mania '09 Cos Word Contest Entries

I haven't posted anything for a very long time. There were so many changes in my life right now (both professional and personal) so that's why I haven't posted anything new.

Because of my nephew Zire, I have been dabbling in cosplay (even had a group cosplay stint but that a complete different story). There is this event this September 13 called Cosplay Mania 2009 (Check it out at at They have this Cos Word Puzzle Contest where they provide a comic strip with blank word balloons and its up to you to fill them up. As a comics creator, I can't resist not joining. So below are my entries to that contest.

Please also check out to get to know what cosplay is and the current local scene.

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